The UCI Edwards Lifesciences Foundation, Cardiovascular Innovation and Research Center (CIRC) is an academic-based research and training center housed within the Henry Samueli School of Engineering at the University of California, Irvine. We aim to accelerate advances in cardiovascular health and health equity.

The concept behind the CIRC originated in 2006 from discussions between the leadership at Edwards Lifesciences and the Department of Biomedical Engineering. The goal was to create an academic focal point for cardiovascular research and training within the vibrant biomedical device sector of Orange County. This goal was consistent with the long-term ambition of the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and the Department of Biomedical Engineering to build meaningful relationships with local companies that could provide opportunities for technology transfer and employment of students, as well as that of Edwards Lifesciences to create a source of highly trained, skilled, and diverse local engineering talent.

The CIRC became a reality with a $5 million gift from Edwards Lifesciences Foundation on June 22, 2007. The naming gift not only creates an endowment for the CIRC to stimulate the research and training activities of the center, but also led to the creation of a Leadership Council composed of academic and business leaders in the cardiovascular field that oversees the direction and development of the CIRC. A central theme in the gift agreement is a partnership between the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and the School of Medicine to create an interdisciplinary environment for research, innovation, and training. In June 2009 the CIRC officially moved into approximately 10,000 square feet of office and lab space on the second floor of the newly completed Engineering Hall. With the recruitment of Professor Naomi Chesler, Ph.D. to serve as Director of the CIRC in July 2020, Edwards Lifesciences Foundation made an additional $2.2 million gift. In November 2021, the majority of CIRC faculty and staff will move into approximately 13,000 square feet of office and lab space on the second floor of the newly completed Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Building.

CIRC history