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New CARE Trainees!

The CIRC is pleased to announce the 2022 – 2024 Cardiovascular Applied Research and Entrepreneurship (CARE) T32 training program fellows: (from upper left to right) Nnaoma Agwu, Ashley Urrutia Avila, Michelle Lanterman, Emil Lundqvist.


Celebrating Juneteenth!

In celebration of Juneteenth, the Great Park in Irvine will host it’s first annual Juneteenth Freedom Celebration, presented by the City of Irvine in partnership with BIPOC Orange County and the UCI Black Thriving Initiative.

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Faculty Excellence in Research Award for Tim Downing

Tim Downing awarded the UCI School of Engineering’s 2021 – 2022 Early Career Faculty Excellence in Research Award.

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June is Pride Month!

June is Pride Month and this is Pride Week. UCI’s LGBT Resource Center has events continuing through Friday.

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Please join us in congratulating Dr. Hu!

We are pleased to announce our newly minted PhD – Qingda Hu. Qingda successfully defended his dissertation “Micron Scale Mechanical Response of Fibrin Hydrogels” yesterday at an in-person session. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Hu!

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RAMADAN 2022: What faculty need to know

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What School Faculty need to know:

Ramadan is the Muslim month of fasting. Practicing Muslim students will be fasting from dawn until dusk (approx. 6:00am – 8:00pm). Fasting means NO FOOD and NO WATER. Ramadan celebration often involves prayers late into the night. It is not unusual to be up past midnight for prayers and then get up around 6:00am to eat before dawn and pray. Ramadan 2022 will last approximately from April 2 – May 2. Ramadan is scheduled on the lunar calendar so it moves dates each year.

Muslim students may be tired, hungry, and dehydrated in your

classes – especially if they are with you late in the afternoon.

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Four Biomedical Engineering Faculty Named AIMBE Fellows

BME and CIRC Faculty members Wendy Liu and Elliot Botvinick, along with two additional BME Faculty, Michelle Digman and Chang Liu, were named AIMBE Fellows. All were nominated by CIRC Director, Naomi Chesler.

2022 aimbe fellows

Elliot Botvinick, Michelle Digman, Wendy Liu and Chang Liu (clockwise from top left) will be inducted into the 2022 Class of Fellows of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering.

philanthropic gift

The CIRC enters new era with latest philanthropic gift



Undergraduate Student Affairs

Professor Grosberg on SUSA Blog

Prof. Grosberg writes that her silver lining from a year of remote instruction is using Gradescope for exams. She shares her perspective on when and where using this tool makes sense, and offers some tips.
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Director Chesler on UCI Conversations with Kevin Bossenmeyer

Center Director Naomi Chesler was interviewed by Kevin Bossenmeyer on his KUCI podcast “UCI Conversations”. To listen to this interview please visit Kevin Bossenmeyer’s podcast website.
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